Sydney pools have long been the scene for daring morning dips and leisurely sunset swims alike. Amid Sydney’s sprawling coastline can be found natural rock pools, old-school baths and gorgeous landmarks that offer refreshing dips that make an excellent swim spot.
No matter if it be daring a jump off a top diving platform or retreating down the ladder in shame, swimming and splashing around Sydney’s ocean pools has long been an iconic rite of passage for generations of Australian children. Unfortunately, however, due to concrete cancer and shifting pool priorities as well as changing swimming habits diving platforms are slowly being phased out of suburban pools.
Bev Wren, Fiscal Officer for JC Village, noted that while the pool will be open this summer, its popularity has decreased over time. She blamed lack of lifeguards as one factor; training costs reportedly range from $300-plus and kids quickly tire of working at the pool when school is in session.
Jackson Center Pool used to be a favorite destination of swimmers from surrounding communities. However, its opening this year will depend on whether enough money can be raised to cover lifeguard staff costs and renovation or replacement of its infrastructure; an event to discuss this topic has been scheduled for Thursday at 7 pm.
WTI worked collaboratively with the community to complete a feasibility study, site evaluation and selection, preliminary design and cost estimates for an outdoor aquatic center. WTI ensured the public played an integral part in this process by meeting regularly with members of the Mayor’s Swimming Pool Committee to understand their requirements for such an aquatic center.
The new pool will not only feature solar heating but also an innovative cogeneration system to produce the energy necessary to heat and power it, with any extra being put towards local community projects further reducing environmental footprint.
If you’re planning to construct a swimming pool in Sydney, make sure you hire a reliable builder with both license and insurance. Inspect the site where they’ll dig as there may be pipes or utilities running underneath the surface that could obstruct their excavation process.
When choosing a pool builder, make sure to review their website and reviews from previous customers. Also consider getting insurance details – and ask about its duration if necessary. It would also be smart to request an insurance certificate copy as well as warranty documentation so if something goes wrong they’ll cover costs immediately. Ideally you should also be able to reach them quickly for answers should any arise.